A trademark search is a report on the chances a trademark has of successfully registering. This is based on a search of previously filed or registered trademarks and an analysis of the trademark according to the jurisdiction’s criteria for approving trademark applications. While the search is optional, it is a highly-recommended stage in the process, potentially preventing obstacles and disappointments down the road.
In order to receive adequate protection, a trademark needs to be registered in each jurisdiction in which it will be used. Most countries have different requirements, processes and time frames, which can make it a challenge for applicants, but our expert Consultants will make applying easy for you. Order your trademark applications for multiple countries with one online form and let your Consultant guide you!
Moeller offers Industrial Design registration services locally as well as through the Hague System (WIPO). Our Consultants will help you devise the optimal strategy to protect your design while our local agents will file and process your local applications for registration. If you are not sure what industrial design registration can do for you, consult our webpage on this subject below!